Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Weding Card Model For Friends

janfi67 not so white as that ...

I ask the author of this blog to publish my testimony, but to keep my anonymity. You never know, sometimes I find myself also pilloried by the White Knight janfi67 .. because I'm black and my name is Adam (can not invent it)!
Here I bring the info to the author of this blog in contradiction to that of janfi67. When I go on other forums, I read what janfi67 wrote:
" I reverse engineer the structures of Navteq CD. But I in no way alters the content .. it is the user who done! And a good lawyer could argue interoperability, which is one of the exceptions under the law. "
janfi67 RT3MapEditor therefore declare clearly that does not change the content of Navteq Base. Itilisateur And that's the end that does. So what he is mixed? The user of an original CD with license Navteq is perfectly free to do whatever he wants if he complies with section Art. L. 122-6, 1.II.
janfi67 said that a good lawyer could argue interoperability. Well, why think Does he need a good lawyer? I went to see what it is that interoperability computer. Definition Wikipedia:
" compatibility means the ability of two systems to communicate without ambiguity. "
Then there is the following:
" Amendment 341 to the Act DADVSI (Copyrights and Neighbouring Rights in the Information Society) which was rejected by the Assembly proposed definitions following compatibility means the ability of two systems to communicate without ambiguity. Interoperability means the ability to make both systems compatible voters. Interoperability requires that information necessary for its implementation are available as open standards. "
Looks like the famous pleads janfi67 amendment is not passed. Personally, I would advise him to go easy on this because as we say at home in Central Africa:
"Insult never a crocodile before you cross the river" . Adam S.

Michel C., have a little mercy on your readers. For once, try, if not above your low intellectual capacity for renewal. You've already fallen for Emilia, here now that you have for Adam. It is not a split personality, but a tripling. Your case should perhaps be included in the annals of psychiatry? But this subterfuge

tired is nothing compared to the content of your message is from beginning to end, an accumulation of lies:

You quote me saying: " RT3MapEditor does not change the content of the Navteq database. And that's the end that makes itilisateur "then you ask. "So what it blends? .

I meddle in what concerns me, Mr. Pirate, defense of my rights! To edit a card with RT3MapEditor, the end user, in this case you must approve the user license agreement, and respect. When you resell cards modified by RT3MapEditor, you do not respect the contract that you spent with me and you are violating my rights, I intend to enforce rights.

And why Michel C., talk of an amendment to the unsuccessful DADVSI, rather than talking about the intellectual property code that applies today in France, the same one you are referring to when it suits you but you blithely violate?

Why we cite you the article L.122-6-1.II this code, but not the next located just below and to prove that I violated any laws by doing Reverse engineering:

III. The person having the right to use the software can without the permission of the author to observe, study or test the functioning of the software to determine the ideas and principles which underlie any element of the software when it makes any loading, displaying, running, transmitting or storing the software it is entitled to do.

We would you still like idiots? Are you simple-minded? Where do you lie only to try to slander me? Because unlike what you claim, I do not violate any law.

You finally get to a crocodile. Since you like the animal metaphors, I'll see you more as a scavenger, the hyena style or as a cockroach, hidden in the shadows, which turns into a crow of modern times, being out of false accusations and anonymous upon light strikes it.

Clearly, Michael C., you who are not white. And in light of your lies, your soul is not gray, but darker. The color of your feces ...


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