Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Brazillian Wax Designs

Right of reply by the author of RT3MapEditor - RTxMapEditor

Since November 7, 2007, a user publishes a blog called anonymously on me and freewaregenial RTxMapEditor. There is a jumble of items with evocative titles such as " Janfi67, engineering to paranoia? "," RT3MapEditor, death of a child "," Janfi67, not so white as that ... "," Janfi67 above the law? .

could believe that he is disappointed RT3MapEditor a user or a citizen above suspicion by placing above all respect the laws and road safety but it is not.

The author of this blog who never reveals his or her name or nickname (call by C. Michel) is nothing but a pirate who has sold over 4 months of counterfeit cards for Navteq RT3 which he had RT3MapEditor with added radar. Despite private contacts, emails and phone calls he has always refused to stop piracy of its RT3MapEditor. On 2 November, to stop his actions and enforce my rights, I filed a complaint against this individual and publicly denounced his actions. The result was immediate, once put his actions in the public square, he withdrew the day their ads on eBay's Web sites and has not sold counterfeit or pirated RT3MapEditor.

It looks very innocuous like that ... but beware ... It is capable of many things, and especially of the worst man.

revenge, but also to put pressure on me, he posted his November 7, 2007 Blog defamatory and he has recorded in search engines. On 23 November he sent me an email in which he explained in words in sentences that covered the purpose of his blog was to harm the reputation of RTxMapEditor and attract the attention of Navteq for him to do withdraw. Then he offered me to remove his blog on the condition that I withdraw my complaint and messages which I denounced his piracy and that I sign a written agreement. I am not used to assert without proof, you will find a copy of the email of Michael C. his colorful style and spelling and its Memorandum of Understanding.

" I find it unnecessary to leave traces of our on different search engines.
course it concerns me, but it also affects you. Including this comment:

"janfi67 RT3MapEditor created in a non-profit but simply to integrate the radar on a road map that lacked voluntarily. Let me explain, manufacturers (PSA / Citroen) have not asked Navtech can not integrate these cameras on road maps they provide for their RT3/RT4 because it is a paying service that all users of PSA / Citroen may acquire a fee we can understand better now why and how.
dint of "brew" it might place Navteq in a position to enforce its license to shirk against PSA and which is RT3MapEditor may suffer.
I do not want my blog to be the cause.
That's why I think it more prudent to resolve our dispute between us and erase all traces of our disagreement. Type
RT3MapEditor or janfi67 on Google and you'll see that my blog appears on the 7th or 8th position: = utf-8 & oe = utf-8 & aq = t & rls = org.mozilla: fr: official & client = firefox-a =
It is both the advantage and disadvantage of blogs well Google referenced!

To this end, I propose that we draft us a "Memorandum of Agreement." See attached draft.
In case of any problem, we can each claim a copy of the agreement we have spent together.
I did not pursue the controversy on the forums and on my side I just delete my blog.
On your side, you can do even on your blog by leaving his role as warning and I think you can easily erase your tracks on the forums, or by modifying your messages, either by asking the moderators who have access to the administration of messages to do so.
view the esteem in which they take you, this should not be a problem. They also understand the importance of defusing the controversy.

When people who have bought a lot where there was a CD patched, they are the number of 4 (re-read carefully the listing).
They are perfectly satisfied, as you can read their comments and I am also willing to pay they will return me a lot.

One last point: what you have for a breach of my word through advertisements on eBay is not for me because for me, the offering of an original CD with a CD-R, respected the license Navteq and Article L.122-6-1.II. My ads were perfectly clear already at the track, unlike some who slip a discreet allusion in the text stating that it is a CD-R patched or not ... But I do not want to revive the controversy and I prefer to keep my energy to get healthy.

Besides, I am surprised that you do not get tired of beating you with all those who are selling briskly CD-R or patched with some originals, those maps are patched or not on eMule, or those who happen to sell CD-R through the forums, etc.. It must be exhausting! This is where
understand sometimes you put everyone in one basket, indiscriminately.
I hope you understand my goal is to put an end to this story and putting it into the dustbin without splashing your software.
MC "

made in duplicate

I, Michel Cartaud says end the disagreement that oppose Mr. Janfi67 RT3MapEditor about accepting that Article L. 121-1 supersedes Article L.122-6-1.II, which means that I will respect the license for this software. I declare
withdraw any complaint against him, and my blog.
"read and approved, place, date and signature"

I, Janfi67 says ending the disagreement that oppose Mr. Michel Cartaud about the software license RT3MapEditor. I declare
withdraw any complaint against him, and all information about him, mentioned in my blog or on forums and others.
"Read and approved place, date and signature

It's called blackmail, neither more nor less . Blackmail is a crime that is characterized by the threat of violating the honor and consideration of the victim by revealing facts morally reprehensible, to obtain a signature, commitment, surrender and usually a sum money. Blackmail is punishable by a maximum of five years imprisonment and 75,000 euros fine.

Admire crossing the deep hypocrisy of Michael C. opening a blog where he treats me to a child murderer ( RT3MapEditor, death of a child ") Says I'm over laws (" Janfi67 above laws? "), I made it clear that RTxMapEditor can only suffer from its bad publicity unless of course I withdraw my complaint and that claims to the end of his email does not want "it splashes my software."

But this gentleman is for his expenses, I am not sensitive to this kind of pressure and what have I to fear? RTxMapEditor a program is legal, it is obvious that Navteq will not seek to have it removed. It's been over a year and a half there, it is published in the open and I've never had comment from them. And as I've never done any activity condemned by the law, Michel C. is forced to lie and slander me to try to achieve his ends. Michel C. was a pirate, here it is now a blackmailer, a beautiful mind than his. And since it seems

awaiting a response from me to her blackmail, here is my answer!

To better understand the character, here he has established in July 2007 for selling counterfeit cards RT3MapEditor modified by Navteq. You Note that this is not a single ad on eBay, but he used Web sites registered in his name, as many nicks unhasard, and pucesland litpliant and very catchy slogans. It was a real organized piracy. This explains much better it is hard to defame me, given the "injury" that makes him suffer financial separation from its sale of counterfeits and the seriousness of the facts.

An excerpt of one of its Web sites now destroyed ( ) used to sell counterfeit cards Navteq:

site pirate de Michel C. contenant des cartes Navteq RT3 et RT4 modifiées par RTxMapEditor
site pirate de Michel C. contenant des cartes Navteq RT3 et RT4 modifiées par RTxMapEditor

This site offered us contact until 28/12/2007 us the purpose, meaning, image and had the following home page:

Maybe he should understand "We, Michel C. dénichons of unusual objects around the world, the best prices " as" we sell counterfeit copies of cards for Navteq RT3 and RT4 which we added the radar item you will not find anywhere else on the market. And their prices are unbeatable because they are counterfeit?
And interpret "Fair Trade Concepts and Humanitarian inspire us also" as "we, Michel C. 're a thief, a pirate who plunders shamelessly the work of others, they are a big company like Navteq, an association like gpspassion or an individual as the author of RTxMapEditor?

This site has been completely changed the end of December to host the blog of Michael C. and then was completely closed in February 2008.

If can, of Overnight, delete this site so he proposed a business and replace its contents with a blog on RTxMapEditor defamatory, even if not the business in question has never existed? And that this site does in fact served as a front to house the business of selling counterfeit RT3/RT4 Navteq maps?

Imagine otherwise the head of his (supposedly?) Swiss shareholders and its customers discover this new version of the site!

But look more closely at the identities that are in the "contact us". No name, no registration number register of trades or RCS. The address is Rétuelle Switzerland in Geneva. Curious, very curious ... nor or MapPoint or not find rétuelle in Geneva! So it does not exist, probably no more than Steinmann.

By cons, Michel Cartaud exists, and the Street and Flower Breu. It is also the address he gave when to send him a check for 25 € for receiving a pirate map Navteq and mobile number is his.

To be sure the owner of this site, just ask whois:

November 19, 2007, were found in whois ( ) the following information: And since on 29/12/2007 (

Archived Whois - 2007-11-19 0:20
Domain Name:
Registrant: Cartaud, MICHEL
Rue Breu
The Flower GE
01710 EN

Administrative Contact:
Cartaud, MICHEL michel.cartaud @
Rue Breu
The Flower GE
FR 01710 33450202804

Archived Whois - 2008 -01 to 02 3:32 p.m.
Domain Name:
Registrant: Cartaud, MICHEL
c / o Network Solutions PO Box 447

Herndon, VA.

20172-0447 Administrative Contact:
Cartaud, MICHEL
c / o Network Solutions PO Box 447

Herndon, VA 20172-0447 570-708-8780

cans of shareholders in a foreign country, no name ... Strange for a site that hosts legal activities ...

And it is the same for

Michel C. was created August 23, 2007, after it, following my first surgery, deleted Aug. 12 pages and illegal Radars.html /. He was always under construction, offering "scent and taste at bargain prices" on pages that do not work. Again a Swiss address: Jean-Claude Leibundgut Rue de the Golette 5b, 1217 Meyin Switzerland, and even a phone: 41227531023 and email,

This time, the street of Golette exists. There are at this address but a Paul Leibundgut telephone number does not match. Accomplice? Straw man? Michael C. victim?

This site hosted from September 16 all images from radars, gendarmes and pirated cards are visible from their eBay listings. To continue its piracy without my realizing it, he recorded a new domain name and used it.

more I dig, the more I realize that Michael C. is a very real pirate well organized, who knowingly and despite commitments made every effort to continue its piracy without attracting my attention. It is justice that will be glad to hear that. Another new element to load that I can bring him to support my complaint. The police are beginning to know me now and even though its traffic is still pathetic, the fact that they use Web sites exclusively for piracy hopefully expedite the processing of my complaint.

Some of her ads on eBay

The ads before 16/09/2007 are inaccessible. Using
sites and to host the images.
08/08/2007, FRANCE 2006-2007 + CD NAVTEQ POI RADARS
12/08/2007, FRANCE 2006-2007 + CD NAVTEQ POI RADARS possible addition
temporary cessation of sales to my first private intervention. It amends and, but unbeknownst to me he changed nick (pucesland), records the site again and illegal sales less than months later.
16/09/2007, CD NAVTEQ RT3 - SPAIN / PORTUGAL + CD865 NEW SW6.61 with added radar on the CD
30/09/2007, 3 CD NAV: FRANCE 6.7 2nd ed + CD 880 + CD RADAR RT3


7/10/2007, CD NAV 7.6 RT3 FRANCE 2nd ed. NEW + Bonus POi RADAR

15/10/2007, CD NAVTEQ RT3 - SPAIN / PORTUGAL + NEW POi radar 07

15/10/2007, 865 FOR CD UPDATE RT3 and DISPLAY OF RADAR POi

23/10/2007, CD NAVTEQ RT3 - SPAIN / PORTUGAL + NEW POi radar 07

24/10/2007, 865 FOR CD UPDATE RT3 and DISPLAY OF RADAR POi

I discovered on November 2, Michel C. continues its activities. New stop and withdraw all its ads going after my complaint and my conversation phone with him. But here is a copy of his latest ads:

Edifying, no? Deride the police to sell their pirated cards, Michel C. is really ready for anything.

Since I refused straight answer, you will find here an exact copy of his blog (dated 28/11/2007) in green with my answers to her calumnies and lies.

These days, it puts a lot of work to clear as can traces of its crimes, replace all its Web sites by their slanderous blog, all photos used in his eBay listings with warnings against using RTxMapEditor. Not a chance ... I expect more than the result of beta testers to release the next version of RTxMapEditor.

I hope it does it mess up his year-end holidays, this would be a shame. And who knows, maybe he will take good resolutions for 2008? Will keep it this time? The future will tell ...

My answer to the 25/02/2008 version of his blog is available here

Hard Heart Beat And Numb Arms

To end the controversy

janfi67 said I slander on this blog. Like me, he does not like to be challenged on the point of difference between us in assessing the two articles L. 121-1 and L. 122-1.II.janfi67 said: Please understand that facing such a situation, I delayed delivery RTxMapEditor. I'm sorry, I am frustrated as you, but I'm tired of seeing RT3MapEditor associated with such piracy. The only thing that matters to me is respect for my rights. I asked him many times by mail and by phone but to no avail.
I dispute his first qualifier piracy for reasons already stated and I reminded him that I have written below: " I regret to state our differences on the public square. I respect the work ye have done on the software RT3MapEditor, but I do not allow you to publish any private information about me or making accusations that can pass for harassment, violation of privacy and defamation. I'm ready to stop this unnecessary conflict because there's enough else. I am prepared to withdraw my complaint and if this blog did the same and remove any personal information forums and blog. "
janfi67 then said: I am prepared to consider a public statement of that person on his blog saying clearly that it will no longer use or never illegally RT3MapEditor RTxMapEditor redistribute it and never changed Card these tools as a sufficient guarantee of respect my rights.
I would repeat my proposal to end it different between us because I do not want to be the cause of delay in delivery of its RTxMapEditor I continues to qualify for great software, even if he takes it for flattery.
I am prepared to do not expect a court decision that may last for years and accept that Article L. Supersedes Article L. 121-1 122-1.II for RT3MpEditor and RTxMapEditor (which means that a modified map by these tools is not considered a backup of the original CD), to withdraw my complaint and remove the 4 archives below:
janfi67: Engineering to paranoia?, Reader Comments , RT3MapEditor: death of a ENFAN t janfi67 not so white as that ... , janfi67 above the law? .
In exchange, as I mentioned earlier, I ask janfi67 do the same and withdraw the complaint and all traces of this conflict on different forums and his blog.
I contacted 11/21/2007 him on his serve mail for my proposal.

Belle mentality as yours, Michael C. !

You open your blog, you treat me paranoid of , assassin child, you implying that I do not respect the law , as you lie through his teeth and you propose, in the first post of your blog and in a mail very explicit in the close ... exchange for the withdrawal of my complaint against you. You hope and find the anonymity that allows you to deliver your quietly organized piracy.

It's called blackmail, Michel C, neither more nor less! Everyone can realize it by reading your "Memorandum of Understanding" which I publish in the introduction.

Know Michel C. I do not give in to blackmail, especially not when it comes from a crook like you.

Why I'll pass anyway? I have nothing to reproach myself, unlike you, I respect the law. I ended your piracy organized forums that RTxMapEditor talk among the most active planet-Citroën, its users are becoming more and never satisfied and Navteq, Magneti Marelli SPA nor never thought it was wrong.

While you, you have violated the laws of several European countries and you have the greatest interest in seeing it disappear.

But the only effect of your blackmail is to reveal your true nature at all, and prolong their presence on the web this blog that chronicles, among other activities, your guilty. What good result against piety of your efforts to defame me.

And meanwhile, has RTxMapEditor enriched with many features. Your shouts are a mere tribute I am willing to pay if necessary. The cuckold in history, it's you, not me!

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janfi67: Engineering to paranoia? Readers' Comments

RT3MapEditor The author, known under the pseudonym janfi67 deals with "pirate" people who sell or resell a CD with original Navteq license, accompanied by a CD-R containing the same database Navte q (with or without modifications POI) knowing that it is not RT3MapEditor making the changes, but rather one that makes the CD-R.
The purpose of this blog is to remind him that escapes RT3MapEditor or Article L.122-6-1.II, or the license of Navteq, and its unfounded accusations can cause controversy. We can have disagreements on the interpretation of laws and articles, but we are not allowed to resort to personal attacks to defend his ideas!
However, this does not bother him to settle his accounts ... already at its license:

can not say that it is in the lace ... Ignores the duty of confidentiality that we would expect on a freeware license! Everyone goes merrily through the mill of his judgments sententious! Like what can be an excellent programmer and stray into inappropriate behavior, even paranoid. Since it allows people to acknowledge that he has "the nose" and cite their private information, it would be just as hers are also exposed on this blog. But his attitude is the subject of proceedings for harassment, violation of privacy and defamation, and that it violated rules governing * Blogs, it's not behave like him and keep quiet and dignity.
* PRIVACY: It is prohibited to publish information without authorization a private person.

You do not like being treated pirate, Michel C. ? That is what you are. And you're also a liar because if I call you a pirate, because: • You

sold for 25 € illegal copies of Navteq map without using your original websites. I know you all better than me did you even offered by mail when I did go to an anonymous buyer.
• You sold illegal copies of Navteq Map on eBay UK as an original and a copy impatchable 2004/2005 with latest radar necessarily
• You have hacked the list of radars gpspassion + April 2007 that it is forbidden to distribute.
• You have used so-called commercial sites for the sole purpose of hacking. • You
RT3MapEditor hacked by using in violation of its license and selling the cards changed.
• You even went so far as to put your "copyright" on maps patched RT3MapEditor. Fail to comply with copyright is one thing, but knowingly steal someone's copyright is another. Beautiful mind that the vote Michel C. So how far are you willing to go to earn money?

It is not unlike what you claim groundless accusations but facts that you are unable to refute. Everyone laughed again what you write in your defense is so ridiculous .

You dare claim that CD you've added radar has the same database as the original CD. You write the same red. You must be a real mental defective to dare say such nonsense, Michel C. Your IQ does not exceed that of a oyster.

You then refer to Article L.122-6-1.II ("'The person having the right to use the software can make a backup copy, when it is necessary to preserve the use Software "). Nobody forbids you to make a backup of your maps from Navteq. RT3MapEditor But if you use to generate a map (by adding or not POIs), you must comply with its license agreement, as you have to do with any software.

RT3MapEditor By installing, you have a contract with me that you are required by law, respect for its use. And the contract states it is expressly forbidden to redistribute the patched maps. And what did you do? You sold those cards. So here you are an outlaw and pirate. By not respecting the contract, you are violating my rights to intellectual property. Although free of all rights RT3MapEditor mine. French law is well made, it protects authors thieves like you.

These restrictions on use of software are not unique to RTxMapEditor and are perfectly legitimate in a license agreement.

Read the license of Nero8 (, paragraph C. CONDITIONS GENERAL APPLICABLE TO ALL LICENSES, c.) and d. MPEG4) MP3 and mp3PRO) You will see that the commercial use of Nero8 (ie to generate revenue) is prohibited and only the private use is allowed .

Exactly the same clause that RTxMapEditor. And it's the same with all the burning programs, Roxio ...

Will you, Michael C. try to make us believe that despite these restrictions you could sell an audio CD with original songs from the CD to MP3 encoded by Nero? That license agreement Nero is illegal?

You treat me then paranoid because I mocked a sitting president who loses his nerve the agricultural show, saying to someone who refuses to shake his hand: "Casse-toi, pauvre con." While the audiovisual world is full of paranoid, the world of politics is also ... I feel less alone at once. And I advise all who are open-minded (but you can also read it, it can only do him good) reading the book "The cats seen by Bruno Masure. He speaks wonderful cats and comes cheerfully Sarko and Bush. Will we get a new blog of your hand against the crime of lese majeste, or am I the only one who you attack? You complain

finally to "personal attacks". But wear complaint, Michel C., complain! I fear you are struggling to pass information to private information that you yourself have made publicly available on the WEB. And I'd be very curious to see the reaction of a judge from reading "the object of the crime", ie my answers to your slanders. I have no doubt that a lawyer reveals first glance the crimes you are guilty. That judge will also read how you treat me assassin of child, that it condemn you ... there is only one step. And who knows, it may accelerate the consideration of my complaint ...

These "personal attacks" as you say are the answer to your slanders. You could have very easily avoided. Why have tried to blackmail me with your blog?

Ah ... if you had a low profile, my post about planete-citroen was buried among thousands of others and nobody would have paid attention after some days. And who knows, maybe justice would eventually forget you.

Instead you decided to blackmail me with your hateful blog. Bad luck for you, I have responded point by point to your lies. Now, any user can know who you really are, what you've done is dishonest. And your neighbors, your baker, butcher vote may recognize you and tell you crossing near you "Wow, he's the obnoxious guy who pirate maps with radar and then treats the other a murderer of child! .

When you come across "lunch" in the street, maybe you entitled to some tasty dialogue like this:

"Oh, a bit dull, it's the fuck we saw on WEB!
Huh? who?
But if you know the old sucks ki ki veu kasser RTxMapEditor but it can not.
Yeah. You're reason. Damn, it fears that fat cunt. Come on, we s'casse, it stinks here, "

Teething Infant Mucus

I spent time to understand the different between you and janfi67. I asked questions and looked at why and how. I do not question the merits of your arguments I would be mutual and unable to speak. The only thing we can all regret is that the situation is blocked. We have enough strikes like that ;-) And if other jurisdictions are involved, we do not know where it might lead. In any case, nobody wins. I would ask you make peace with janfi67 behalf of Georges Brassens' die for principles, agree, but a slow death!
janfi67 I fully understand that paying attention to what he does not sell CD-R, patched or not RT3MapEditor. I agree with him: there are crooks who openly sell copies without the original CD and I also disagree. Navteq either does not appreciate it!

Very strange contradiction. Michel C. disapprove the sale of a copy without an original, but that is what he does. By selling on eBay UK 2004/2005 card impatchable original and one copy necessarily more recent with radar. It's also what he does with his web sites or against the sum of 25 € send you a copy card with radar but without an original.
And once again, not a word about the license RT3MapEditor! He sits on it!

I sold my old departing original CD on eBay and I was asked about the possibility of a CD-R. I then suggested some sales with an original CD + CD upgrade the RT3 and a CD-R application, stating that it is necessary to open the blister of the original CD to CD-R, or asking the buyer to provide a list of lift for a CD-R patched. My goal was to offer a bonus to users who could not afford to make their own CD-R. It's still not a CRIME! The price of these sales did not exceed the price that is usually done on eBay for an original CD ONLY, well below the price concession. How I made money by exploiting RT3MapEditor?

Fifteen eBay listings, some with very catchy titles like "Drive smart: keep your points and give less money to replace cars blue ..." photos support, cards with pictures of modified its copyright pucesland, 4 web sites, some of which he proposes or the entire Catalog Navteq, 25 € for a map pirate radar he calls it "offer a bonus to users who could not afford to make their own CD-R ? Would it not rather trade with a nice speech marketing to lure customers? Finally, given the number of piracy laws and licensing that Michel C. violated?

I recall here the average price (end of November 2007) 2006/2007 of 25 cards: 50 €. The average price of radar maps with this gentleman: 85 € or 35 € more per card. That's how he earns money with RT3MapEditor. His

piracy is not a crime, but a FELONY.

You say you use RT3MapEditor? If a friend who knows nothing about computer asks you to modify his original CD, do you refuse him? And if you offer a drink in appreciation, is it that you are a pirate and you make money with RT3MapEditor?

He recruited his friends on eBay and on Web sites by selling you counterfeit? Michel C. has a strange conception of friendship ...

janfi67 must take care not to fall into the paranoid. I read on a forum that was patched maps on eMule. If he knows he'll go crazy! It seeks not to understand and discuss the arguments of others. He is content to defame and immediately bear different in the public square by publishing private information!

Another big lie. In August 2007, I contacted Michael C. August 14 at 9:10, he wrote: "Hello
After a sleepless night thinking (yes), I want to say that I understood the lesson
I also count on your understanding to accept my apology.
MC "

It then changed name on eBay, has a new name domain and starts his illegal sale September 13! It is not to say we can trust him and he keeps his word. I see it on November 2. I call him and he plays the innocent who does not understand, who do not know what it is! So I told him my intention to complain. And I

who "do not try to understand" which "defames his door and immediately changed on the public square" ? I have yet contacted privately, and never talked about his piracy before it starts. What choice left me then? let me hack it without saying anything?

Is not that surprised that other people react and defend themselves. I am the first to recognize that this is an excellent computer, to congratulate him and thank him for his brilliant freeware-that is the same as my blog-

If his way of thanking someone is to violate his rights and steal his work, I can not imagine what happens to those against whom he has a tooth.

but that does not give him the right to launch fatouah.

It is true that in this respect, we have a specialist:
"RT3MapEditor, death of a child, janfi67, engineering to paranoia" . That is probably what he calls "keep calm and dignity" ?

In a forum, he responded to someone who spoke to him saying " our master ES RT3 " Ouhla ... especially not master of anything ... I have a big mouth, I let you imagine if I catch more big-headed. I see that he recognizes sometimes. I want to do the same in the different between us. I wrote: I regret to state our differences on the public square. I respect the tremendous job you did on the software RT3MapEditor, but I do not allow you to publish any private information about me or making accusations that can pass for harassment, violation of privacy and defamation. I am ready to put an end to this unnecessary conflict because there are enough elsewhere. I am ready to withdraw my complaint and if this blog did the same and remove any private information on forums and blog. I have already told him that the ball is in his court.
------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Goodnight ,
I have not seen the pink elephant that crossed the road and I fell into the river ! Seriously how good distraction while driving? telephone, GPS, radio etc. ....
so why jeopardize a person like that? it is a bit limited as reasoning!
OK, everything reasoning is limited, but if it puts others involved, we must accept it too.
------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Hello
You criticize therefore almost all current GPS but also warning radars. I think from your point of view, they have much more responsibility than a single developer in his corner ... I advise you therefore request also has to TomTom AlerteGPS Inforad ... Keeping in mind that this accident is a tragedy, I find it amusing to take part in a person who does not sell its software so that companies live up to the àdisposition list of radars and others who produce millions "of 'alerter "GPS. I do not see why you try to do the trial Janfi67. Greetings
Why is it alone in the trial?
------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Hello
All this is very strange, all GPS devices display current radar, why software offering to display it on an incomplete system could be responsible for an accident? What is the point or purpose of such desperation? raphk34
The reasons have already been exposed.
------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- Why put
him because he is not the only nor the first. Other sites are charging the introduction of speed cameras on GPS systems and other nomadic people also watch the phone while driving ......... driving: NOT BETTER, smoking while driving: NO BEST .......... and if the radars were in real danger zones and not in areas with tickets, would not it be more effective against unfortunate accidents ......... yes but unlike some janfi67 RT3MapEditor created in a non-profit but simply to integrate the radar on a road map that lacked voluntarily. Let me explain, manufacturers (PSA / Citroen) asked Navtech can not integrate these cameras on road maps they provide for their RT3/RT4 because it is a paying service that all users of PSA / Citroen may acquire a fee we can better understand now why and how.
Another topic that could put a flea in his ear some and annoy ...
------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
I find your fiction in very bad taste. in that case why do not you complain to the manufacturers of GPS devices that integrate all radars. it's pretty petty of you to take Janfi67 which seems to be within its rights to not want to use some of its software to make money while he himself does not. Sincerely, a user of RT3MapEditor.

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RT3MapEditor: death of a child

"I looked radar on my screen, I have not seen the bike .
is how a motorist was justified responsible for the death of a child: " I watched the screen of my GPS to monitor radar. I have not seen the child who was traveling by bicycle to the right of the road and I struck. Then I crossed the road and I found myself in the slope. "
What does the creator of the software RT3MapEditor which allowed this driver to add the radar on his CD?
How will he explain to parents that F. n ' is responsible for anything?
can ask critically examine the usefulness of such software and legitimate questions arise:
- is it useful to add radar position by modifying an original CD which does not?
- the display on the radar screen of a GPS does he disturbs no driver vigilance?
- the display on the radar screen of a GPS discourages he not irresponsible behavior?
- the display on the radar screen of a GPS he discourages non-compliance with no speed limits?
- the display on the radar screen of a GPS discourages he not conduct
uncivil - the responsibility of the creator of the software RT3MapEditor can it be engaged in accidents, fatal or not?
I asked the author of this block to add my testimony voluntarily shock. Fortunately, this is a fiction. The creator of the software
RT3MapEditor there children or grandchildren? And if this really happened to them? I ask him to think through issues of a mom. If I were him, I would dedicate my computer engineering to develop software to help motorists to behave in a more responsible instead of the misplaced in the opposite direction, and maybe one day, murderous. Emily .

Bravo Michel C. You Emily now we invent to try to justify your argument. Is it better to move us that you do, for a mother, or because after the ads enticing slogans, you know that nobody will take you seriously on this subject?

The questions are legitimate. It would still be added for that purpose RT3MapEditor not only allows you to add radar (and I know it is mainly used for that), but also all types of POIs supported by the RT3, all associated information ( name, address, telephone, restaurant reviews) and provides guidance to these POIs? It is these features unnecessary for radars that have asked me the most work and which are the original RT3MapEditor compared to its ancestors (ADDPOIS / TRADPOIS).

should also remember that PSA itself offers a service that does exactly that RTxMapEditor, the radar display on the map. Accusing RTxMapEditor can cause the death of a child is accused of PSA not to worry about traffic safety and endangering all road users. Why not? But objectivity is not your first quality, Michel C.

But is not the most important. Your pen, Michel C, these questions become grotesque and are an insult to those who are concerned about road safety and those who experienced the tragedy of losing a loved one in a car accident! Who

only sells cards with radar in his ads on eBay? You, Michael C.!
Who boasts the addition of radar maps, even when he sells a CD Update RT3 ? Even you, Michael C. Who we
proposes to "navigate malignant " with a CD containing the radar? You always, Michael C. ! Who says that we
"coolest ride" with a CD containing the radar ? You always, Michael C. ! Who
adds his cards Spain / Portugal radars and alcohol tests ? You always, Michael C. !
Who sells cards and Switzerland with German radar while it is forbidden? You always, Michael C. !
Who wrote "Drive smart: keep your points and give less money to replace cars blue ... "Supporting photographs? And yes, it's still you, Michael C.!

were you, sir, I should be ashamed!

SHAME meanly to win money with the volunteer work of others. SHAME
violate so French and foreign laws. SHAME
to denigrate and the police. Above
ashamed to talk about road safety, SHAME talk of accidents and children, ashamed to speak of irresponsible behavior, ashamed to speak of murder and return the responsibility against me when you see your ads, and more particularly that reproduced at the beginning of this blog!
And even more shame at having written this hateful message that in order for me to withdraw my complaint against you.

At sixty years ago, have you thought about your grandchildren? Do you give them an example to follow you with this? And what will their condition, their disappointment when they learn that they love this grandpa is a coward, a liar, a thief and a blackmailer?

Your resume says about you "graduate public relations consultant, Swiss Institute of Public Relations." I know everyone has a light side and dark side, nature is human. But what a pity to use your time in illegal activities, knowingly lying to practice blackmail on me and be so attracted, as your alter-ego " Lord Helmet Black " of spaceballs, the rotten side the astuche.

Weding Card Model For Friends

janfi67 not so white as that ...

I ask the author of this blog to publish my testimony, but to keep my anonymity. You never know, sometimes I find myself also pilloried by the White Knight janfi67 .. because I'm black and my name is Adam (can not invent it)!
Here I bring the info to the author of this blog in contradiction to that of janfi67. When I go on other forums, I read what janfi67 wrote:
" I reverse engineer the structures of Navteq CD. But I in no way alters the content .. it is the user who done! And a good lawyer could argue interoperability, which is one of the exceptions under the law. "
janfi67 RT3MapEditor therefore declare clearly that does not change the content of Navteq Base. Itilisateur And that's the end that does. So what he is mixed? The user of an original CD with license Navteq is perfectly free to do whatever he wants if he complies with section Art. L. 122-6, 1.II.
janfi67 said that a good lawyer could argue interoperability. Well, why think Does he need a good lawyer? I went to see what it is that interoperability computer. Definition Wikipedia:
" compatibility means the ability of two systems to communicate without ambiguity. "
Then there is the following:
" Amendment 341 to the Act DADVSI (Copyrights and Neighbouring Rights in the Information Society) which was rejected by the Assembly proposed definitions following compatibility means the ability of two systems to communicate without ambiguity. Interoperability means the ability to make both systems compatible voters. Interoperability requires that information necessary for its implementation are available as open standards. "
Looks like the famous pleads janfi67 amendment is not passed. Personally, I would advise him to go easy on this because as we say at home in Central Africa:
"Insult never a crocodile before you cross the river" . Adam S.

Michel C., have a little mercy on your readers. For once, try, if not above your low intellectual capacity for renewal. You've already fallen for Emilia, here now that you have for Adam. It is not a split personality, but a tripling. Your case should perhaps be included in the annals of psychiatry? But this subterfuge

tired is nothing compared to the content of your message is from beginning to end, an accumulation of lies:

You quote me saying: " RT3MapEditor does not change the content of the Navteq database. And that's the end that makes itilisateur "then you ask. "So what it blends? .

I meddle in what concerns me, Mr. Pirate, defense of my rights! To edit a card with RT3MapEditor, the end user, in this case you must approve the user license agreement, and respect. When you resell cards modified by RT3MapEditor, you do not respect the contract that you spent with me and you are violating my rights, I intend to enforce rights.

And why Michel C., talk of an amendment to the unsuccessful DADVSI, rather than talking about the intellectual property code that applies today in France, the same one you are referring to when it suits you but you blithely violate?

Why we cite you the article L.122-6-1.II this code, but not the next located just below and to prove that I violated any laws by doing Reverse engineering:

III. The person having the right to use the software can without the permission of the author to observe, study or test the functioning of the software to determine the ideas and principles which underlie any element of the software when it makes any loading, displaying, running, transmitting or storing the software it is entitled to do.

We would you still like idiots? Are you simple-minded? Where do you lie only to try to slander me? Because unlike what you claim, I do not violate any law.

You finally get to a crocodile. Since you like the animal metaphors, I'll see you more as a scavenger, the hyena style or as a cockroach, hidden in the shadows, which turns into a crow of modern times, being out of false accusations and anonymous upon light strikes it.

Clearly, Michael C., you who are not white. And in light of your lies, your soul is not gray, but darker. The color of your feces ...

Sweet Pattycake Shower

janfi67 above the law?

In advance, here is the excerpt from the article that mentions the right to make a copy of Backup: " Art. L. 122-6-1. II. The person having the right to use the software can make a backup copy when it is necessary to preserve the use of the software. " It is thus enabled to make a backup copy of a CD which was the license for its own use, the more so to preserve the original against theft or heat in his vehicle. Navteq
mentions in its license agreement: " Using the database is limited to the specific system for which it was created. Except as expressly provided by law, you may not extract or reuse one or more substantial portions of the contents of the database or reproduce, copy, modify, adapt, translate, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer any part of the database. "As
RT3MapEditor is directly affected by this excerpt, it is hoped that THE APPROVAL Navteq, even if it is not mentioned in the license agreement of software RT3MapEditor. If it does not, RT3MapEditor only solution is to argue that it falls within the backup software (Nero and others) and to refer to the Art. L. 122-6-1. II. This proves clearly that a database recovery by RT3MapEditor can be considered the property of the person who developed the software. Navteq remains the sole owner, protected by his international license.
Indeed, RT3MapEditor only allows you to add or remove a certain POI database that Navteq remains the owner. This is actually the database of the original CD that is in the CD RT3MapEditor modified by the software and not the contrary! Moreover, it is quite possible to modify some elements of the database from Navteq and achieve free backup software RT3MapEditor. There is not a computer genius on the planet!
On the License Agreement RT3MapEditor software, it says " The author grants you the nonexclusive right to use this software as freeware. You can install and use the Software Freeware for non-commercial use only, without limiting time, redistribute the Software Freeware by any means (CDROM, Magazines, Web ...). You can not sell or distribute by any means whatsoever all or part of the maps generated by the Software Freeware .
It is understood in this passage that the person who developed the software RT3MapEditor Navteq protects the sale of CD generated by software RT3MapEditor and not the contrary! In no because the person who developed the software RT3MapEditor can not substitute for Navteq, the legal owner of the database. The concept "maps generated by the Software Freeware" does not mean that supplants RT3MapEditor Navteq, the creator remains Navteq maps. It would be a shame to lose that Navteq ownership of its database cards if they are transferred to a computer through RT3MapEditor or otherwise. In this case, any transfer program, starting with Windows itself would lose its property Navteq Databases. It would be a mega packed! In this case too, even the burning software would be eligible to replace Navteq ... and even RT3MapEditor since this freeware CD does not serious and he is not the latest software through which the Navteq mapping is transferred. A true story of crazy!
Thus, only the Art. L. 122-6-1. II and License Navteq prevail in any license program, shareware or freeware alone! What remains essential is that it is forbidden to use a backup if you do not have the original CD and license, and this regardless The program used to do it.
- it is accepted that the original CD with license Navteq is accompanied by a backup, especially for theft prevention and / or heat in a vehicle,
- it is accepted that copy generated by the software or not RT3MapEditor be treated as a backup,
- it is accepted that the original CD with Navteq license be transferred to a third person with his backup,
- it is accepted that the possessor an original CD with license to freely use a backup copy, some POIs that have been modified or not with or without RT3MapEditor,
- it is accepted that possessor of an original CD with license to ask a third person to make a backup copy,
- it is accepted that this backup can be achieved by removing or incorporating or POI's choice in the Database Navteq, with or without RT3MapEditor,
- it is accepted that Navteq remaining the sole owner of its databases,
- it is accepted that the person making a backup copy of an original CD with license to do with or without RT3MapEditor,
- it is accepted that this is not RT3MapEditor which allows a backup copy, but the burning software like Nero.
That said, the person who RT3MapEditor developed software would be advised to ask some questions if it does not do so:
1. What is the official position of Navteq versus RT3MapEditor?
2. What is the position of Navteq in relation to laws of the countries (like Germany, Switzerland, etc.). Navteq which forbid putting POIs radars in its original CD while RT3MapEditor can break those laws?
3. What is the position of these countries relative to RT3MapEditor software that allows to break their laws by making illegal CDs and ride illegally on their territory?
4. What is the position users of illegal CDs with edited RT3MapEditor victims from prosecution for illegal conduct, which may take legal action against the author of the software on multiple charges?
5. What is the position of counsel for users of CD changed, adopting the strategy of attacking the author of the software on various charges to clear their clients?
could still pose many more questions about RT3MapEditor. To be continued ...

What a beautiful demonstration of the law you do, Michael C.

For, apart from the fact that we have the right to make a backup copy, everything else looks more like the rantings of a hacker trying clumsily to justify that reasoning based on French law.

You hope RTxMapEditor has received the approval of Navteq. But where do you get an idea so preposterous? On what legislation do you base your hopes?
RTxMapEditor does not violate any law nor European French because it bypasses any measure of protection. And because there are no safeguards in Navteq maps. He did not need approval from anyone to be distributed legally.
While you're there, will you require any Ahead Software, the publisher of Nero that has the approval of Navteq on the pretext that malicious users like you can use it to make pirate copies of their cards? Where do you cons RTxMapEditor is picking up because I ended your organized piracy?

You then try to convince us to prohibit redistribution of the cards RTxMapEditor patched, I would have become "owner" of the Navteq database, and you make references to burning programs should also be a substitute for Navteq. And you conclude with "a true story of fools." My poor
Michel C. You're crazy, actually. As you take the example of burning programs, carefully reread the license of Nero8 (, paragraph C. GENERAL TERMS APPLICABLE TO ALL LICENSES, c.) and d. MPEG4) MP3 and mp3PRO) You will see that the commercial use of Nero8 (ie to generate revenue) is prohibited and only the private use is permitted.
is exactly the same clause, entirely lawful in a license agreement, as used in RTxMapEditor, clause found in the license as Roxio. By redistributing
maps RTxMapEditor modified by you violate the license and you are a pirate. Just like if you use Nero to encode to mp3, burn and sell a music CD that Ahead Software has no right yet.
Remember, Michel C. that the law still applies in its entirety, and that my copyright RTxMapEditor (or those of the publisher of Nero) apply at the same time that the license Navteq, and that any article of French law.

Everyone also appreciate your comment on the license RTxMapEditor. Do you really believe that an author or publisher to write a software license to protect other publishers? Further proof of your great stupidity! RTxMapEditor the license is to protect my rights against thieves like you Michael C!

And you'll finally reach a conclusion as 9 points with the least we can say is that it is silly.

Try therefore to convince a computer scientist and a judge that " it is recognized that this backup can be achieved by removing or incorporating or POI's choice in the Navteq database " and you will laugh at nose . A backup must be consistent with the original, and a map on which you add POI's not! Anyone knows it except you. The only thing they admit is that you are an idiot!

You advise me to finish asking questions about RTxMapEditor, understaffed heard clearly that I am "above the law." But I'm the asked and the answers are so obvious that I do not understand that you have not found the answer yourself, unless of course the only purpose of these questions is to harm the reputation of RTxMapEditor .

If the manufacturers of GPS phones that use Navteq maps of all Europe, if PSA offers radar display on the map Navteq France can do it without any problem, why the hell RTxMapEditor could not do it too? A

we seen a driver that is insensitive to flash beyond the speed limit a complaint against a car manufacturer because his car enabled him to break the law? No! Just because the leader of the offense, the driver.

It's the same when you sell Swiss cards with radars Michel C. It is you who break the laws Helvetic by your illegal use of RT3MapEditor, not me.

Continue to ask questions Michel C. During this time at least you do not hack more RTxMapEditor and I can continue, the world's most legally and never be bothered by anyone or Navteq to provide free RTxMapEditor and enrich regular new features.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Should I Go To Work Chest Infection

Mass student

every Sunday at 19h will be celebrated a Mass in St. Peter student
(21 rue Valade).
a bit of piety in this cruel world ...

Sample Prayer For Programs

Room Booking

St. Peter Parish is yours!
If you need to get together please, we have plenty of rooms (10, 20, 30, 60, 200 seats) and chapels, they are available. For
book you only need to write: and if they are free, they are for you!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

African Dresses Carribian


I am the way and you did not follow

I am a friend and you did not like I'm

speech and you did

not listen if you are unhappy
do not blame me

Wall Fixed Ironing Boards Singapore

tolerance. The prodigal son

small glance at the TV program this week: on Monday on the front is my choice: "I educate my children to cudgel them or me bought their cannabis on Monday for Tuesday cons "
Tuesday night on two, Jean Luc Delarue," I send my poodle to a psychologist and my mother in a nursing home: it is discussed "that she is
opinion no matter what is important is to discuss and above all, tolerate all: tolerance is so beautiful! Moreover, when you ask in a poll what is the most important value for you: the first far ahead of any other is tolerance and what you hate the most ...: intolerance (yes it walking together!)
today you should delete all pediments equality fraternity liberty hall (it seriously outdated) and replace it with the hype: tolerance
today if you're not even tolerate you got no right to speak is as a premise and if unfortunately you do have a little caution, see critical or worse than you am questioning your review: intolerant: immediate condemnation: outside!
imagine the blow a little conversation between students (that of fiction!) Take a theme that he time to time when three or four meets especially late at night around the divine bottle: religion: "yeah you know I believe in anything but I am tolerant, I accept everything, yeah you know I believe in a higher power but I do not know, almost unanimous response: yeah you're right (yes Late Night is rarely very deep level of the argument); yeah I think all religions are the same: Islam, Judaism, Christianity, shamanism, Buddhism, Tantra, and many others, it's all the same, it's just a way of seeing things: yeah you're right "actually listen to everyone because we live in a perfect world, everyone is right, nobody knows what besides , but it is not the essential, the essential you understand it to be tolerant. and then it is around this table there is a Catholic (yes, a Catholic has the right to meet at odd hours of the night putting the world and religion tolerant with three friends around a good bottle there's no harm) is our Catholic wants to bring its contribution to the debate Does he dares: "I think there is only one God and only savior Jesus Christ" (sounds like the St. Paul no?) then the immediate reaction: you would not just tolerant of you we proclaimed your truth all done. ah yes that's you're Catholic! you got the truth and you're the only one who! "End of conversation.
in fact you have the right to say anything as long as you accept everything, which is totally contradictory. the problem of what kind of tolerance is that it may make us totally indifferent to each other, locking us all in our opinion, each in our solitude, see everyone in our error. you believe what you want, you think what you want, you say what you want, you do what you want: respect, respect me but mostly you do not swell!
eh bine we Catholics can not content ourselves in this way to see things from that world, a world cold and polite, respectful and distant world where we accept everything as it does not bother me c world where one is willing to let our old neighbor only provided that does not make too much noise, let the poor die so he does not clutter our sidewalks.
for us non Catholic there is a value above the tolerance, truth, not a speech bine oiled, not as a battalion of dogma, not nice smoky reasoning or concepts, not a political agenda: for us the truth is a man Jesus Christ, St Paul who says: "there is only one God, one mediator between God and man: a man, Christ Jesus. "And here we go again
intolerance block! one God and one mediator Jews and Muslims and Hindus then! what do you do? I respect them very much as a man, even as a believer, but I truly believe from the bottom of guts and heart that Jesus Christ is the only mediator, the only savior, the only way to God, God himself. or so I have to throw the Bible, I must correct page of St. Paul that we just read. bine and not in the Bible I take everything, I leave nothing that I like it or not, I understand or not, I take everything, as the church sends me the last 2000 years and I'd much rather rely on his strength, its stability, its truth in my opinion. you know this opinion that fluctuates as the one who spoke last. I have no need to build my life for something stable to someone sound: Jesus Christ is himself the truth, not an idea mas a person, someone I can love, I can follow and imitate. there is not an ounce of intolerance to believe in him. but then if you think of your heart qu'l is the savior, the only mediator between God and man, if you think it is the path to follow to achieve happiness: you'll still does not keep it to yourself, you'll scramble the track and smoke out those who do not know him! is criminal. if you think you have to say! when you have a treasure like you are sharing not keep it for yourself is a duty, a duty of charity to announce that the truth which one believes.
but before announcing it, takes time to meet him in prayer, you approach him and he shall nourish her body and her life, ask him to make your heart like hers, take time to knowing, loving and then not even worry You shone realize Jesus Christ!


Monday, September 17, 2007

Wedding Cards Wording Valima Pakistan

You may have heard this song on the radio in Cali who keeps repeating "it's when happiness ..." Who of you wants to be happy? .... No one protests, because my question is silly, everyone wants to be happy, all men seek happiness. They do not even try it, it looks at all costs, to be honest sometimes when you look at it is even said he looks anyhow. Go into the street and ask the question to anyone, big rugby player (15 of France's supporters, if available), the grandmother to the market, the mainstay of pub, the kid who leaves school, the mother pushing a pram, they will all answer the same thing, "of course I'm looking for happiness," but does not go away immediately after they have asked, stay a few moments before them, because this response is not sufficient. They are older than you, they have more experience he should know where to find happiness, you and you are interested to know where he hides his happiness, how to live happily. So here are some answers they could help you: young lolita will tell you that Star'Ac to watch and learn to sing like Beyonce, the young layabout who haunts the banks of the Garonne, you say that happiness is to spend his Saturday afternoon to count the seagull in the new bridge, (you can watch a little surprised, because you'll have fun that does not at all), another will tell you that happiness is on Saturday night to go spend the night at the aposia, returning exhausted on Sunday morning and dragged up stade2 (you look at even more surprised because you Sunday is your favorite day then you will not lose to drag the bottom of your bed), a third will tell you that it's a family gathering, and the oldest, the wisest may be silent and not give you an answer their smile.
All that you do not advance much in your quest to find happiness and get you eventually lose your temper if you do not tell you where he is that damn happy because all these little pleasures in two balls What you proposed so far they do not just, you know what you're looking for is a real joy, great happiness, a happiness that could fill a lifetime.
So there you need a real specialist in happiness, someone who touches on the subject: Jesus Christ, then you have a real pro, you're in good hands, then come listen.
You heard from the beginning of the Mass all these allusions to Joy "my mouth shall declare your praise," "I am full of gratitude for one who gives me strength" Rejoice with me "and later in this parable they did not look happy this father and son. It may be that happiness is all men want, it is perhaps in this gospel that page seems to gladden the heart.
You saw this boy: he had everything to be happy, a father who loves him, a house to live, friends and now he prefers to leave everything to seek happiness (and yes he too, like everyone else). Then he goes, he bought property a few small pleasures, but when he has no money to pay them well and it runs like a tassel, although unfortunate, but you feel comfortable with happiness that we buy what is not true happiness. Then he remembers the good times, the happiness of quiet time, free time for happiness, when he was at his father with those who love him, he remembers, and then it rises with the fear of being taken a thrashing father, but hey it still prefers it like to live in poverty in the midst of the pigs, he returned with his father in which he asks forgiveness, forgive me for having the head a little hard. and the father is neither one nor two, it's party. That's happiness, it surprises you, it is in any case that the happiness that Jesus offers us a free happiness, a happiness that goes straight to the heart to fill it.
I told you that Jesus is a specialist in happiness, he knows where the source, he knows how we are coupons, he knows how we relate this story and he just told us that just the user manual of happiness.
Happiness is quite simple actually, happiness is being loved and loving in return, it is the happiness of knowing love and be with loved ones. Now we know that in our lives there are a thousand things that prevent us from love, hatred, resentment, lies, jealousy, backbiting list would be long. In a nutshell this is what the church calls sin is a scary word, a word you do not use too and this is normal because this word conceals us spoil, disfigure us, that plague us from the inside, that prevent us from loving. and we leave room for these sins in our lives unless we are able to love. They do their work in our heart, they gradually separate us from others and from God, they make us withdraw into ourselves, we shall justify ourselves, we say: "It's not me who started; anyway it is his fault, and then what's the point of asking forgiveness in any case he will not forgive me, or I'm too ashamed ... "apologies that we say and that ultimately prevents us from loving. Faced with these sins (and each of us has his own, or that the who does not cast the first stone) there are two possibilities: either
you say that it is still something of priests, a well-crafted speeches to give us a bad conscience, in this case Jesus can do anything for you, at least he will not force you hands, you remain free to keep watching the pigs eat the pods, you are free to live crawling in the mud
either you like the prodigal son (c is the user manual of happiness earlier, a fairly simple instructions you'll see) you get up and say "Father forgive me." Just that, but it must, you must get up and you go to your Father in heaven. You must get up, meaning that you must leave your sin, the sin that keeps us on the ground, which makes us crawl in the mud (Satan loves to see us crawl), but we are not made to crawl, we are made to walk upright, free and straight, that's how God made us, that's how he wants us. Once standing he must ask forgiveness and then what we ask forgiveness, but we shall, immediately, as it is, without quibbling, no haggle he expected it, forgive us, for we filled with joy, fill us with his gifts, he pitied to see us so unhappy, as in the song we waited, he waited for us to do the first step is the one that costs, all other it is God who makes them.
But it is perhaps not yet clear and happiness you start to see where he is, you see just how you come near but the road is not very well marked, then the Holy Church Our mother gives us that second reading: "The saying is sure to be welcome without reservation! -That is St. Paul who says so! -Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners "and how? : Thanks to these ambassadors, St. Paul, the apostles first, it is they who have received from God the ministry of reconciliation, they are the ones who received the power to forgive sins. But you tell me that it makes you look good e because St. Paul, died, yes, he is dead but his successors are still alive, the ministry, is transmitted through, our priests, these ambassadors of Christ have received this power of Jesus to reconcile us with God!
Looking for happiness, like Cali, like all our contemporaries, we do not deplete the roads dead end, will confess our sins, and whenever we need it will receive the forgiveness that frees us from our chains, this forgiveness is changing lives and a height of happiness that lasts only one that God offers us. And when ye have found him remember that many of our contemporaries have rejected God in their lives and they are desperately seeking happiness without really find it (may be there is there a cause and effect). Maybe God by abandoning what one loses his heart is full, leaving one who forgives us we forget the path of forgiveness, losing sight of the Servant we lose the sense of service, away from Him who loves us like no one knows, leaving the source of all joy is allowed to dry up the joy in our hearts.
So maybe he comes back to us Christians to tell people of our time: "you are looking for happiness? look, look better, seek God and there you will find happiness "

" honor and glory to the King eternal, invisible to the one God and immortal for ever and ever! "Amen

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Wagon R Campernew 2010

Animation liturgical

If you have some skills in singing, if you play an instrument and if you want to praise the Lord and serve him in the liturgy, you're welcome!

We need you, you can join a group of musicians to liven up the evening Mass on Sunday 19h, from time to time, once a month, once a year is up to you.

not hesitate to write us

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Windows Drivers For Lg Cookie

Pasta Sunday

Every Sunday after Mass we offer to stay together around a dinner plate of pasta. (Nothing complicated, just to end up before attacking the week)

It you just at the beginning of each Mass to register on the panel you will find the entrance to the church.

Catwoman With Short Hair


If you wish to be initiated into the Christian faith, if you want to prepare you for baptism, the Eucharist or Confirmation, we suggest you join a group of students like you who has what desire.

do not hesitate to contact us:
"That which was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, we have looked, what our hands have touched the Word of life, the life was manifested: we have seen, we bear witness ... what we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us. "
1 Jn.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Week After Tooth Extraction Sore

The Carthusian Order was founded by St. Bruno in 1084 in a valley of the Diocese of Grenoble. In the 16th century, the Carthusian brothers, driven by the Protestants of Castres, Toulouse came to building a custom large monastery which covered ten acres on the present campus of the University of Social Sciences. Became an arsenal during the Revolution, there remains today only three sides of the arches of the cloister.
church, consecrated in 1612, has a nave divided into 2 parts: one for the faithful, the second for the Carthusians, who had their own entrance, behind the choir. The interior, beautifully decorated, includes frescoes, bas-reliefs, several sets of tables and a magnificent marble altar. To the right of the choir, a tympanum depicting the Last Supper overcomes the door of the chapel of Crucific: it opens with beautiful woodwork in the 17th century.

The organ

The organ was built from 1677 to 1682 by Robert Delauney and enlarged around 1760 by Jean-Esprit Isnard and Joseph Cavaille. During the Revolution, in 1792, he was transferred to the church of the Jacobins Saint-Pierre-des-Chartreux by JB Micot and undergoes transformation by Frederick John Junck in 1854 and Theodore Puget and son in 1880 and 1902, finally Maurice Puget in 1958.
Much of the piping of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries was, however, in the organ during its recent renovation (completed 1982): Gerhard factor Grenzing achieved by a beautiful French classical organ respecting the two periods of the organ.
The buffet has been classified a historical monument October 30, 1914 while the instrumental part was the 22 December 1969.