could believe that he is disappointed RT3MapEditor a user or a citizen above suspicion by placing above all respect the laws and road safety but it is not.
The author of this blog who never reveals his or her name or nickname (call by C. Michel) is nothing but a pirate who has sold over 4 months of counterfeit cards for Navteq RT3 which he had RT3MapEditor with added radar. Despite private contacts, emails and phone calls he has always refused to stop piracy of its RT3MapEditor. On 2 November, to stop his actions and enforce my rights, I filed a complaint against this individual and publicly denounced his actions. The result was immediate, once put his actions in the public square, he withdrew the day their ads on eBay's Web sites and has not sold counterfeit or pirated RT3MapEditor.

revenge, but also to put pressure on me, he posted his November 7, 2007 Blog defamatory and he has recorded in search engines. On 23 November he sent me an email in which he explained in words in sentences that covered the purpose of his blog was to harm the reputation of RTxMapEditor and attract the attention of Navteq for him to do withdraw. Then he offered me to remove his blog on the condition that I withdraw my complaint and messages which I denounced his piracy and that I sign a written agreement. I am not used to assert without proof, you will find a copy of the email of Michael C. his colorful style and spelling and its Memorandum of Understanding.
" I find it unnecessary to leave traces of our on different search engines.
course it concerns me, but it also affects you. Including this comment:
"janfi67 RT3MapEditor created in a non-profit but simply to integrate the radar on a road map that lacked voluntarily. Let me explain, manufacturers (PSA / Citroen) have not asked Navtech can not integrate these cameras on road maps they provide for their RT3/RT4 because it is a paying service that all users of PSA / Citroen may acquire a fee we can understand better now why and how.
dint of "brew" it might place Navteq in a position to enforce its license to shirk against PSA and which is RT3MapEditor may suffer.
I do not want my blog to be the cause.
That's why I think it more prudent to resolve our dispute between us and erase all traces of our disagreement. Type
RT3MapEditor or janfi67 on Google and you'll see that my blog appears on the 7th or 8th position: = utf-8 & oe = utf-8 & aq = t & rls = org.mozilla: fr: official & client = firefox-a =
It is both the advantage and disadvantage of blogs well Google referenced!
To this end, I propose that we draft us a "Memorandum of Agreement." See attached draft.
In case of any problem, we can each claim a copy of the agreement we have spent together.
I did not pursue the controversy on the forums and on my side I just delete my blog.
On your side, you can do even on your blog by leaving his role as warning and I think you can easily erase your tracks on the forums, or by modifying your messages, either by asking the moderators who have access to the administration of messages to do so.
view the esteem in which they take you, this should not be a problem. They also understand the importance of defusing the controversy.
When people who have bought a lot where there was a CD patched, they are the number of 4 (re-read carefully the listing).
They are perfectly satisfied, as you can read their comments and I am also willing to pay they will return me a lot.
One last point: what you have for a breach of my word through advertisements on eBay is not for me because for me, the offering of an original CD with a CD-R, respected the license Navteq and Article L.122-6-1.II. My ads were perfectly clear already at the track, unlike some who slip a discreet allusion in the text stating that it is a CD-R patched or not ... But I do not want to revive the controversy and I prefer to keep my energy to get healthy.
Besides, I am surprised that you do not get tired of beating you with all those who are selling briskly CD-R or patched with some originals, those maps are patched or not on eMule, or those who happen to sell CD-R through the forums, etc.. It must be exhausting! This is where
understand sometimes you put everyone in one basket, indiscriminately.
I hope you understand my goal is to put an end to this story and putting it into the dustbin without splashing your software.
MC "
made in duplicate
I, Michel Cartaud says end the disagreement that oppose Mr. Janfi67 RT3MapEditor about accepting that Article L. 121-1 supersedes Article L.122-6-1.II, which means that I will respect the license for this software. I declare
withdraw any complaint against him, and my blog.
"read and approved, place, date and signature"
I, Janfi67 says ending the disagreement that oppose Mr. Michel Cartaud about the software license RT3MapEditor. I declare
withdraw any complaint against him, and all information about him, mentioned in my blog or on forums and others.
"Read and approved place, date and signature "
It's called blackmail, neither more nor less . Blackmail is a crime that is characterized by the threat of violating the honor and consideration of the victim by revealing facts morally reprehensible, to obtain a signature, commitment, surrender and usually a sum money. Blackmail is punishable by a maximum of five years imprisonment and 75,000 euros fine.
Admire crossing the deep hypocrisy of Michael C. opening a blog where he treats me to a child murderer ( RT3MapEditor, death of a child ") Says I'm over laws (" Janfi67 above laws? "), I made it clear that RTxMapEditor can only suffer from its bad publicity unless of course I withdraw my complaint and that claims to the end of his email does not want "it splashes my software."
But this gentleman is for his expenses, I am not sensitive to this kind of pressure and what have I to fear? RTxMapEditor a program is legal, it is obvious that Navteq will not seek to have it removed. It's been over a year and a half there, it is published in the open and I've never had comment from them. And as I've never done any activity condemned by the law, Michel C. is forced to lie and slander me to try to achieve his ends. Michel C. was a pirate, here it is now a blackmailer, a beautiful mind than his. And since it seems
awaiting a response from me to her blackmail, here is my answer!

To better understand the character, here he has established in July 2007 for selling counterfeit cards RT3MapEditor modified by Navteq. You Note that this is not a single ad on eBay, but he used Web sites registered in his name, as many nicks unhasard, and pucesland litpliant and very catchy slogans. It was a real organized piracy. This explains much better it is hard to defame me, given the "injury" that makes him suffer financial separation from its sale of counterfeits and the seriousness of the facts.
This site offered us contact until 28/12/2007 us the purpose, meaning, image and had the following home page:

Maybe he should understand "We, Michel C. dénichons of unusual objects around the world, the best prices " as" we sell counterfeit copies of cards for Navteq RT3 and RT4 which we added the radar item you will not find anywhere else on the market. And their prices are unbeatable because they are counterfeit? And interpret "Fair Trade Concepts and Humanitarian inspire us also" as "we, Michel C. 're a thief, a pirate who plunders shamelessly the work of others, they are a big company like Navteq, an association like gpspassion or an individual as the author of RTxMapEditor?
This site has been completely changed the end of December to host the blog of Michael C. and then was completely closed in February 2008.
If can, of Overnight, delete this site so he proposed a business and replace its contents with a blog on RTxMapEditor defamatory, even if not the business in question has never existed? And that this site does in fact served as a front to house the business of selling counterfeit RT3/RT4 Navteq maps?
Imagine otherwise the head of his (supposedly?) Swiss shareholders and its customers discover this new version of the site!

But look more closely at the identities that are in the "contact us". No name, no registration number register of trades or RCS. The address is Rétuelle Switzerland in Geneva. Curious, very curious ... nor or MapPoint or not find rétuelle in Geneva! So it does not exist, probably no more than Steinmann.
By cons, Michel Cartaud exists, and the Street and Flower Breu. It is also the address he gave when to send him a check for 25 € for receiving a pirate map Navteq and mobile number is his.
To be sure the owner of this site, just ask whois:
November 19, 2007, were found in whois ( ) the following information: | And since on 29/12/2007 ( |
Archived Whois - 2007-11-19 0:20 Domain Name: Registrant: Cartaud, MICHEL Rue Breu The Flower GE THOIRY 01710 EN Administrative Contact: Cartaud, MICHEL michel.cartaud @ Rue Breu The Flower GE THOIRY FR 01710 33450202804 | Archived Whois - 2008 -01 to 02 3:32 p.m. Domain Name: Registrant: Cartaud, MICHEL ATTN: CADEAUSOCIETE.COM c / o Network Solutions PO Box 447 Herndon, VA. 20172-0447 Administrative Contact: Cartaud, MICHEL ATTN: CADEAUSOCIETE.COM c / o Network Solutions PO Box 447 Herndon, VA 20172-0447 570-708-8780 |
cans of shareholders in a foreign country, no name ... Strange for a site that hosts legal activities ...
And it is the same for
Michel C. was created August 23, 2007, after it, following my first surgery, deleted Aug. 12 pages and illegal Radars.html /. He was always under construction, offering "scent and taste at bargain prices" on pages that do not work. Again a Swiss address: Jean-Claude Leibundgut Rue de the Golette 5b, 1217 Meyin Switzerland, and even a phone: 41227531023 and email,
This time, the street of Golette exists. There are at this address but a Paul Leibundgut telephone number does not match. Accomplice? Straw man? Michael C. victim?
This site hosted from September 16 all images from radars, gendarmes and pirated cards are visible from their eBay listings. To continue its piracy without my realizing it, he recorded a new domain name and used it.
more I dig, the more I realize that Michael C. is a very real pirate well organized, who knowingly and despite commitments made every effort to continue its piracy without attracting my attention. It is justice that will be glad to hear that. Another new element to load that I can bring him to support my complaint. The police are beginning to know me now and even though its traffic is still pathetic, the fact that they use Web sites exclusively for piracy hopefully expedite the processing of my complaint.
Some of her ads on eBay
sites and to host the images.
08/08/2007, FRANCE 2006-2007 + CD NAVTEQ POI RADARS
12/08/2007, FRANCE 2006-2007 + CD NAVTEQ POI RADARS possible addition
temporary cessation of sales to my first private intervention. It amends and, but unbeknownst to me he changed nick (pucesland), records the site again and illegal sales less than months later.
16/09/2007, CD NAVTEQ RT3 - SPAIN / PORTUGAL + CD865 NEW SW6.61 with added radar on the CD
30/09/2007, 3 CD NAV: FRANCE 6.7 2nd ed + CD 880 + CD RADAR RT3
7/10/2007, CD NAV 7.6 RT3 FRANCE 2nd ed. NEW + Bonus POi RADAR
15/10/2007, CD NAVTEQ RT3 - SPAIN / PORTUGAL + NEW POi radar 07
15/10/2007, 865 FOR CD UPDATE RT3 and DISPLAY OF RADAR POi
23/10/2007, CD NAVTEQ RT3 - SPAIN / PORTUGAL + NEW POi radar 07
24/10/2007, 865 FOR CD UPDATE RT3 and DISPLAY OF RADAR POi
I discovered on November 2, Michel C. continues its activities. New stop and withdraw all its ads going after my complaint and my conversation phone with him. But here is a copy of his latest ads:
Edifying, no? Deride the police to sell their pirated cards, Michel C. is really ready for anything.
These days, it puts a lot of work to clear as can traces of its crimes, replace all its Web sites by their slanderous blog, all photos used in his eBay listings with warnings against using RTxMapEditor. Not a chance ... I expect more than the result of beta testers to release the next version of RTxMapEditor.
I hope it does it mess up his year-end holidays, this would be a shame. And who knows, maybe he will take good resolutions for 2008? Will keep it this time? The future will tell ...