Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Arctic: The Russian FSB will establish observation posts

The Federal Security Service of Russia (FSB) create account several observation posts in the Arctic, said Tuesday in Moscow's first deputy chief of the border, Vyacheslav Dorokhine.

"We envision the creation of several lines of control between Murmansk, near the Novelle Zemlya, and Wrangel Island, where we will monitor the eastern Arctic. We will monitor the Arctic and effectively," said Dorokhine general told reporters.

The Arctic is a priority area for the Service of the Russian border. "We make a new plan to establish a protection system in the Arctic" said the general. The construction sector of the Arctic border with Russia is among the main tasks of the federal program for the exploration of the Arctic for 2012-2017, estimated the individual.

Seaway North is currently protected by aviation of the FSB, the Border Guard of the Murmansk Region and the Coast Guard of the North-East, explains the General.

"We have halted the illegal activities in this region. We have intercepted several yachts including British and a Chinese ship on the North Seaway in 2010," concluded Mr. Dorokhine.

RIA Novosti


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