Wednesday, December 30, 2009

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There are so many things which we must not think I really did not have time to bother with me ...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

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ostensible clarity are paramount Thodgal wisdom, and peace of me now free projection and withdrawal is emptiness Thregchod spontaneously accomplished.
aspect of the cessation of the mind is the Thregchod. Clarity-esteem is the Thodgal spontaneously accomplished.
The union of the two, which is the inherent wisdom that appears-for-her own, is the secret way of Nyingthig (Gasoline innermost).
Longchen Rabjam - Thod-Gal Gyi Nam Yang-Yig mKha 'Klong gsal of Bla-Ma Yang-Tig

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How Do I Get A Shiny Stone In Soul Silver

The brightness ( mdangs ) of naturally expresses itself, constantly emerging in many forms that populate the mind, perceptions, etc.. , But the essence of these events is empty, devoid of purpose and free functions of the intellect. Capacity Do not dispose of this state is what is referred to as the Superior Vision ( lhag mthong ). - Patrul Rinpoche

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Im Black And Im 7 Inches

First let your mind relaxed,
Without project or collect, without discursive thoughts;
By remaining open in this state of relaxation,
Howl suddenly Phat! striking intellect
Brutal fierce and quick! How wonderful!
Nothing exists that a suspension (of Judgement)
in which shines a transparent ...

mKhas Shrî pa rgyal po / The wise and glorious King - Peltrül Rinpoche

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

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When one recalls the nature of heaven, even if you do not wish to yield happiness beyond the action already present from the beginning. This is not an object to conceptualize, but from this condition, wisdom arises.
Very Venerable Thrangu Rinpoche Khenchen - Mahamudra Base

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

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four contemplations (Chog-bZhag)

Contemplation like a natural mountain is the perfect view.
Natural contemplation that resembles the ocean is the perfection of meditation.
Contemplating naturally appearances [perception] is the perfection of the shares.
The natural contemplation on consciousness is intrinsic perfection of the result.
A yogi who has reached the four perfections united with the absolute sense.
Dronma Nangched (sGron snang-Ma-byed)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

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After the Dharmakaya has been revealed as a clear light of knowledge as intrinsic radiation, non-obscured the sun mandala, we are able to reduce death and understand the mysteries, and to demonstrate miracles to lead people.
Shabkar Lama - The Flight of the Garuda

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Agata Krajewska Gliwice

For spontaneous contemplation of the Buddhas,
The view is to look Discernment,
Without a visual distraction bodies,
And without going into the discursive nature of the seizure:
While we contemplate the natural view.

-The natural emergence of discernment -

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

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When you see be adamantine chains of Discernment (rig pa rdo rje gu rgyud read), we contemplate the beginnings of the Vision of Reality Manifesto (chos nyid mngon sum), thus anticipating the principles based practice Crossing the Pic (THOD rgal). At this level, we spontaneously power on our own insight and can be fully awake in the Body of Onset (Sprules sku).

Peltrül Rinpoche - The wise and glorious King

Monday, October 5, 2009

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All things that appear in the light of consciousness,
the world of appearances and possibilities, either samsara or nirvana,
even if they occur, are a emptiness in their true essence.
As the images of dreams, illusions, or the moon reflected in water,
as consciousness in the four visions, and as the surrounding space
who did not substance,
they are one in the sense that they are out-of-time and totally empty,
free preparation.
Since all things are of a like basis, primordially pure,
there is nothing sustainable or "two", because everything is included in
single sphere.
Dharmakaya has no points and corners. How wonderful.

The Monarch Any Creating

Sunday, October 4, 2009

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Frees knots in the channels so that vayu circulate better. Nodes that develop because of how the different channels pranavãyu form when the body develops in the womb. The pranavãyu is the basis of who bears the traces Alayavijnana afflictions and actions.
Loppon Namdrol

Friday, October 2, 2009

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Blood Back Of Throat Morning

Then, in the belief that samsara and nirvana are the same taste in the nature of the unbound mind is the Dharmakaya, walking and sitting during and jumps, cries and sings. Alternatively underlie and agitated, acting like someone to whimsical. Finally, resides in a state of peace and happiness.
Shabkar Lama - The Flight of the Garuda

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When not make a distinction between appearances and emptiness, then perfect vision is realized. When not make a distinction between dream and waking, then the perfect meditation is performed. When not make a distinction between pleasure and pain, then the conduct is made perfect. When not make a distinction between this life and the next, then your original existential condition is achieved. When not make a distinction between your mind and the sky, so the Dharmakaya is realized. Where it is not distinguish between your mind and the Buddha, then the goal is achieved.
Flight of Garuda - Lama Shabkar

Thursday, October 1, 2009

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When the faults, the method of karma and traces appear as a task and its associated with its intrinsic awareness, this is called a being. Through the mind, deluded beings in the six migrations of people ('Gro-Drug). When our consciousness is intrinsic frees the mind, one is called the Buddha.
Longchen Rabjam

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

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philosophies Rangtong Shentong of Madhyamika and have no difference to achieve as "Shunyata", all the phenomena that we perform at a level relative. They have no difference, to achieve the meditative state where extreme views are completely dissolved. Differences based on the words they use to describe the Dharmata. Shentong Dharmata describes the spirit of Buddha, as "ultimately real", while Rangtong philosophers fear that if it is described well, people can understand as the concept of "soul" or "Atma".
Jamgon Kongtrul

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

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EHMAHO! Again, dear children, listen to me! Look at this body as a reflection of the moon in water. Collect all vocal expressions like echo. Dissolve the multitude of your mental concepts in the purity of their own nature.

Enjoy all the sights, sounds, without attachment, like a hallucination, a dream, a reflection of the moon on the water, a wonderful palace in the sky, a distortion of vision, an apparition, a bubble and an echo. Complete all your daily activities in this state. Without any division between the meditation sessions and the intervals between them, practice constantly, day and night.

Shabkar Lama - Flight of the Garuda
- The

Friday, September 25, 2009

Sample Memo To Workers

Hevajra Tantra

Great Knowledge is located in the body and is free to all designs illusory pervades all things phenomenal and while residing in the body is not born of the body.

Letter Of Vip Arrival

The lessons teachers talk about the three-dimensional cause and effect, specifying that the practitioner commitment to the cause is produced result. By using the words "Buddha" and "sentient beings", they explain that the mind must get the fruit of enlightenment. But this is not my teaching.
My nature transcends the duality of cause and effect: as there is not a any duality between Buddhas and sentient beings to enlightenment is not something that the mind needs to get. Me, the supreme source'm kind of consciousness, the wisdom that appears by itself.
Kunjed Gyalpo - Sections 192.2 - 192.4

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Breastfeeding Old Men

The manifestation of inscrutabilité is methodical and elegant. How to put into practice inscrutabilité is not to spell out the truth. The truth is implicit, with the pleasure aroused in your accomplishment. Who is there to fake spell out the truth? When you spell the truth it loses its essence and becomes either "my" truth or "your" truth, it becomes an end in itself. When you spell the truth you spend your money for that person derives no benefit. It is shameful, something thrown. The truth becomes implicit, the truth becomes the property of anyone. When the dragon wants a storm he creates the thunder and lightning. This brings the rain. The truth is generated by its environment in this way it becomes a powerful reality. From this point of view, studying the impact of Truth is more important than truth itself. Truth does not need a handle.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Can Rabbits Eat Dandelions

matrix vision is the observation of emptiness and radiation, but not attached .
The matrix of meditation is maintained reflective of relaxation without being attached.
matrix action is the relaxation response accompanied by a free and easy access to six fields of meaning.
The matrix of the goal is the collapse of all expectations and apprehensions.
- Shabkar Lama - The Flight of the Garuda -

Friday, September 4, 2009

Whos Boob Is Big Amisah Aisha

Shabkar Lama - The Flight of the Garuda
Coincident with the development of samadhi joyous, radiant, free of thoughts
born a genuine compassion, which is like love a mother has for
his only son, except that love is directed toward all beings wandering in samsara
not possessing the Dzogchen view. That compassion is a very special feature
Dzogchen vision, and that you must know. -

Thursday, September 3, 2009

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Garab Dorje

The basis of being, without beginning or end,
is spontaneously present
The way things happen, without beginning or end,
can not be deleted,
The way things are, without beginning or end,
n has no frame of reference specific
The way in which things are released, without beginning or end,
is uninterrupted.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Kasneb Syllabus Cpa Part 1

The Six Vajra Verses

Although the phenomena appear very different,
nature of this diversity is nondual
and all individual things can not be reduced to a finite concept.
By avoiding the pitfall of saying: "It's like this" or "it's like this,"
it is clear that all manifested forms are aspects of the infinite and formless,
being inseparable from it, are perfect in itself.
Seeing that all things are perfect itself from the outset,
we leave the disease to strive constantly towards a goal
and simply residing in the state natural unmodified
the presence of non-contemplation Dual rises spontaneously